About Citylabs
Citylabs India is a research and training organisation that aims to further the understanding of South Asian cities. We organise workshops and publications around the themes of Writing Urban Histories, Dystopia and Utopian Imaginations, Urban Mapping and Representation and Reimagining Urban Infrastructures. Citylabs India wishes to create a body of work that is publicly accessible and can be used to bring about gradual change in the way we perceive and imagine our cities.

Pratyush Shankar is the founding partner of Citylabs India. He is a practising architect and an academic. He was a Adjunct Professor at Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad India and Visiting Professor at the Mundus Urbano Program at Architecture Faculty, TU Darmstadt, Germany. He was Senior Humboldt Fellow at University of Bonn 2015-17. He recently published his book titled the History of Urban Form in India published by Oxford University Press.
Pratyush Shankar
Vaibhavi Dave is an architect from CEPT University, Ahmedabad. She has been co-ordinating CityLabs activities for many years and has been part of previous writing workshops. Her thesis looked at the idea of utopia as reflected in works of subsequent architects. She is interested in ideas of temporality and flexibility. In her latest writing, she explores the idea of a temporary city through the case of Kolkata.
Vaibhavi Dave
Snigdha Srivastava is a conservation architect, graduate from SPA Delhi. She is interested in urban heritage, specifically from the point of view of architecture and the city. She has carried out extensive research on the city of Vadodara on works on Robert Chisholm and the larger idea of institute and formation of public places. She is also interested in imaginative fictions and is a ferocious reader.
Snigdha Srivastava
He is a social researcher with expertise in qualitative methods, with 3 years of experience as a multidisciplinary urban researcher and architect — his work centres on social inequalities and injustices, culture, race, ethnicity and exclusion and politics of urban spaces. He obtained MSc in City Design and Social Science at LSE, specialising in the impact of cultural differences on urban segregation.
Dhruv Raja

Pratyush Shankar
Snigdha Srivastava
Vaibhavi Dave
Dhruv Raja